With the demise of the Free Roleplay Community’s web site, there isn’t any content left on this section of my blog, so I’ve removed it from the sidebar.
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We have a house rule for grappling in my game: if you try to grapple with someone, it turns out that they are made of lava. This greatly simplifies things and avoids all problems with less elegant rules. — Swordgleam (LivingDice.com)
Contents of The Biblyon Broadsheet™ as a whole Copyright © 1994-2024 Jerry Stratton. Individual copyrights remain held by their respective authors unless they specify otherwise. Site titles, such as Negative Space, Strange Bedfellows, Biblyon Broadsheet, Highland Games, and FireBlade Coffeehouse are trademarks of Jerry Stratton.
Open gaming last modified March 7th, 2010.