Biblyon Broadsides

Gods & Monsters news and old-school gaming notes.

Gods & Monsters Fantasy Role-Playing

Beyond here lie dragons

Lulu price drop

Jerry Stratton, April 21, 2014 has recently dropped their printing costs. In response to this, I have dropped the price of the Gods & Monsters rulebook from $12 to $8.50, and the price of the introductory adventure Lost Castle of the Astronomers from $10 to $7.50. If you haven’t bought the print copy yet (and, let’s face it, you haven’t) head over to the Gods & Monsters storefront!

This is an amazing price drop. I’m very impressed. And I need to pick up the newly-repriced Fight On! too!

I’m currently working on converting Illustrious Castle to the new format—9 by 7, with Inkscape maps. When I have that done (don’t hold your breath), that will go on Lulu as well.

  1. <- David A. Trampier dies
  2. New Haunted Castle ->