Kolchak’s Big Sister at North Texas 2025

“It was the Ides of March, and a woman was the author of the deed—or was she? It was a classic locked room mystery. The doors were sealed and a man was dead… witnesses claimed to see a woman walking away just after the murder… beyond the window of the fourteenth floor. The events of March 15, 1977, were impossible. Impossible, and yet, they happened.”
Yes, Kolchak will be back in North Texas in 2025. The convention runs from Thursday, June 5 through Sunday, June 8. I’ll be running Kolchak: The Tall Sister on Saturday morning at nine. It’s a four-hour session as normal. Signups begin March 19 at 8 PM Texas time. Half of the slots will be reserved for free signups, which start April 15.
I’ll have pregenerated characters for all of the familiar Kolchak guest stars, as well as Kolchak and the other office staff at International News Service.
We never really got to see just how International they were. They seemed to be mostly the New York News Service, with a tiny branch in Chicago. Kolchak, however, was very international. His horrors came from Mexico, Peru, Greece, Eastern Europe, Mesopotamia, India, and even London! As well as above and below the world of mortal man.
We will continue to use the Daredevils RPG rules for the game. It’s fairly simple. I’ll explain it of course at the game, but basically you have abilities and you roll d20 against them. The only complicated bit is that abilities are rated on a 1-100 scale; if, during the course of the game, your score hits a zero or a five, your score for rolling against increases by 1. That is, if you have an Anthropology of 54, you’ll be rolling d20 against 10. If you increase it to 55, then you’ll be rolling against 11.
Skills potentially increase if you make a successful roll against them and it materially helps the party. It’s based on the talent that skill falls under. Anthropology is a Scientific talent. So, for example, Dr. C. Evan Spate has an Anthropology of 54 and a Scientific Talent of 10. When he makes an Anthropology roll that materially helps the party, the player can roll d20 against Dr. Spate’s Scientific Talent of 10. If the player rolls 10 or less, Dr. Spate’s Anthropology is now 55.

It’s a neat little system that acknowledges the roll of talent without relying on it.
For combat we will continue to use the Daredevils Action Cube. Daredevils has a nice combat resolution mechanic. Everyone chooses the kind of action their character is going to perform. There are six kinds of actions, so they place their Action Cube with that kind facing up. Then, we go around the table and everyone chooses an actual action from that kind. You might choose to operate a vehicle as your kind of action; then, when your turn comes up you would choose to throw something, choose a short function inside the vehicle, choose to hip fire a weapon, to defend, to speak, to observe, to strike, or to drive the actual vehicle.
Again, it’s a neat little mechanic that combines the idea that you start the round knowing what you’re going to do, but may have to change your mind. But if you started the round planning to drive a vehicle, you’re not going to be able to take a carefully aimed shot. You weren’t prepared for that.
There is no initiative in Daredevils. There are two phases per round; each phase is simultaneous. This means that even if an opponent disables you during the phase, you’ll still be able to perform your action during that phase—and vice versa. Daredevils rounds are approximately six seconds, making phases even less approximately three seconds. While I am less and less a fan of short rounds the more I play games that use them, Daredevils does a very good job of taking advantage of the possibilities of short rounds in a roleplaying game.
- Daredevils Detailed Action Time and Action Options Cube
- The Fantasy Games Unlimited game Daredevils, from 1982, has a very interesting combat turn system. Plus, an Action-Option cube you can assemble yourself!
- Daredevils: Role Playing Action and Adventure in the Two-Fisted Thirties at Fantasy Games Unlimited
- “Play the role of an action-adventure hero. Smash spies, fight crime, defeat criminal masterminds and more. Enter the world of hard-boiled detectives, cloaked vigilantes and globe-spanning adventure. Become a daredevil.”
- In Defense of the One-Minute Round
- The six-second combat round de-emphasizes role-playing and problem solving in favor of brute force and pre-defined from-the-sheet actions.
- Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV Series)
- Whistling his way into the office, alone, late at night, he tosses his straw hat so nonchalantly it goes into the wastebasket, starts typing a story—a scoop! A conspiracy so dark, no one can tell it but him, the intrepid, insightful big-city journalist.
- Kolchak: The Tall Sister 2025 signup: Jerry Stratton at North Texas RPG Con
- “Carl Kolchak and guest stars investigate a mystery woman and impossible murders in Chicago, March, 1977. Uses the Daredevils! RPG from FGU.”
- North Texas RPG Con
- “The NTRPG Con focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (OD&D, 1E, 2E, or Basic/Expert) as well as any pre-1999 type of RPG produced by the classic gaming companies of the 70s and 80s (TSR, Chaosium, FGU, FASA, GDW, etc). We also support retro-clone or simulacrum type gaming that copies the old style of RPGs (Swords & Wizardry, Castles & Crusades, and others).”
More Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- A revised timeline for Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- When did the Night Stalker and Night Strangler movies take place? When did the television series episodes take place? The internal evidence is a mess, but it is possible to construct a relatively believable timeline from the evidence, usable for an RPG campaign.
- Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye (a Daredevils adventure)
- Kolchak and crew investigates strange murders during the 1976 Christmas season. Inspired by “real” Soviet research as reported in UFO magazines of the era.
- Kolchak’s Cold January at North Texas 2024
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2024, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited. We finally move into 1977 for the great Chicago freeze!
- Kolchak: The Big Creep (a Daredevils adventure)
- Inspired by The Powers of Dr. Remoux, The Big Creep is a Daredevils adventure for The Night Stalker set in the autumn of 1976.
- A Kolchak Christmas at North Texas 2023
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2023, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Two more pages with the topic Kolchak: The Night Stalker, and other related pages
More North Texas RPG Con
- Flashing Blades at North Texas, 2025
- I’ll be running Flashing Blades again at North Texas this year, in a game called l’Entreprenante l’Entreprenante, pitting 1705 Naval officers against 23rd century Mirror Universe Imperial Officers.
- In Honor of Jack “Bones” Burton
- High school biology teacher Jack Burton’s dream job was driving a truck across country where the only people he’d have to talk to will be on the other end of a CB radio.
- Kolchak’s Cold January at North Texas 2024
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2024, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited. We finally move into 1977 for the great Chicago freeze!
- Flashing Blades at NTRPGC 2024
- I’ll be running a game of Flashing Blades on Wednesday at North Texas 2024.
- A Kolchak Christmas at North Texas 2023
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2023, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Seven more pages with the topic North Texas RPG Con, and other related pages