You crawl down the crevasse ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet, until you come to a wide opening in the earth. The ground is cracked and crushed in a line directly beneath your feet, as if God had taken the two sides in hand and smashed them together. There is a large pile of something wiry just outside of your light. Rocky outcroppings and overhangs make your light cast flickering shadows on the walls.
The “something wiry” is either the giant cucumber or its innards. The Oruat do not live here. It is too difficult to climb back up, and they don’t like the feeling of being unable to use their wings. They will run here if they fear getting caught.
Giant cucumber innards
If the giant cucumber is still alive, Koronaeg feeds it from their scraps. Koronaeg calls it “paersrole”, which in their language means simply “stupid slug”. The giant cucumber should not be alive unless the party is experienced enough or large enough to handle it. Otherwise, they will find the dead shell and the rotting innards.
Giant Cucumber (Fantastic: 3; Move: 8; Survival: 17; Attack: Bite, Damage: 1d6; Defense: 0; Special Attacks: internal organs may attack separately, moving at 9, attacking with two tentacles for 1d4 each)
There are a couple of pouches tossed among the bones that the giant cucumber has eaten from. There are a total of 35 farthings, 21 half-pennies, 17 pennies, and 7 shillings among them.