Look in the resources file for the maps and handouts. You can get the resources on godsmonsters.com/Guide/Lost/.
1. Twisted forest cover images (GIMP, JPEG)
2. Information card and inscription for sword of Lirelen Ellesan (Scribus, Inkscape, PDF, PNG)
3. Astrological clock (Inkscape, PNG)
4. No More Stars (Inkscape, PDF), an excerpt from an illustrated text stolen from the Order of Illustration.
5. Various door markings (Inkscape, PDF)
6. Map of the wilderness between Hightown and Kristagna (Inkscape, PDF)
7. Map of the castle and moat (Inkscape, PDF)
8. Map of the castle’s first and second floor (Inkscape, PDF)
9. Map of the zodiac dungeon (Inkscape, PDF)
These were all created using Inkscape, GIMP, and Scribus. These are free software packages available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, so you should be able to edit the source files in the resources archive as needed for your own game.
- Resources: Keys
- There are special keys for the treasure rooms. The Pisces room, the Pisces treasure room, the Gemini room, and the Gemini lock box all have special keys. If the characters find them, they can avoid the traps on those locks.
- Notes and notebooks
- Notes and notebooks in Lost Castle: Resources
- Magic Items
- Magic Items in Lost Castle: Resources
- Resources: Timeline
- The Goblin Wars began in 896 AC and ended in 901. There’s more information in the Highland Gazetteer.