The Council of Sages
The Elves of Highland are guided by a group of sages known as the Ilendor, the oldest and wisest of the long-lived and wise race. The Ilendor meet every temas or so at the Long Lakes to exchange new knowledge, organize old knowledge, and discuss concerns old and new.
The Ilendor are self-appointed guardians of the Elves. Some are powerful wizards, prophets, or warriors, but all are learned sages and have proved their worth over the Elven ages.
Vel amean Tirtalien evano
The traditional farewell of the Rivelaelfte to comrades heading into danger and death, vIHOmaOn DerDOHeWn avOno, means “walk safely under Tirtalien’s light”. The Rivelaelfte are a semi-secret society of warriors and scouts charged with the protection of the Elven lands. Rivelaelfte warriors travel throughout the lands gathering information and looking out for the future of Elvenkind.
Members of the Rivelaelfte will often be warriors, thieves, or at higher levels multi-typed thief-warriors, warrior-sorcerors, or thief-sorcerors. Their specialties will tend to be nature friend, vigilant sleep, animal companion, and perhaps charismatic healing, exemplar, team combat, weapons master, or contacts.
The Rivelaelfte maintain a view on the present as well as the future. There is a saying among them that “alen tenolfey ri anofey Careleran” (OHIn DhnoHVa re OnoVa carIHarOn) which is to say that “the sun rises and sets on the Elven lands.” This is a reminder to them, and to their more long-winded fellows among the Elven sages and council, that some troubles do not respect the long-term Elven worldview. A day is the same for an Elf as it is for a Giblen or Magiblen. Some things must be handled “today”, not merely “now”.
Religious leaders
All Elven religious sages are prophets. The prophets of the Elves often work loosely with the Ilendor and the Rivelaelfte to guide and protect the future of the Elven lands. You can find more information about the Elven deities in Divine Lore at