Archetypes in Highland: Warriors
Warriors are common in Highland as well as north and south. In the north there are pirates, Vikings, and the barbarian tribes. In the south are the great guardsmen guilds and the warriors of the duchies. In Highland itself, guards are in demand to assist caravans across the mountain and across the leather road. The Elves have the Rivelaelfte. In Biblyon, in the shadow of abandoned Illustrious Castle, the Tutoris Libris range the known world to wrest knowledge from the dark corners.
Archetypes in Highland: Thieves
Thieves are certainly common enough in the larger cities such as Black Stag, Crosspoint, and Great Bend. They are also well known in places such as Pirate’s Cove. Thieves—better known as spies—are maintained by city governments such as in Black Stag and the various merchant-run cities in South Bend.
Some cities will even have rival governmental organizations each employing their own spies.
Archetypes in Highland: Sorcerors
Even today people are distrustful of sorcery and those who practice it. Universities and libraries will attract sorcerors, and many of the sorcerors of Highland are private individuals who use their knowledge to fund their studies. Black Stag maintains its own wizard council for the furtherance of that city’s goals.
In the south, every count will maintain at least one court wizard, whose functions are entertainment in times of peace and defense and offense in times of war. Many court wizards also command branches of their master’s army, or at least high-ranking court guards. Court wizards rarely have time to further their own studies, focusing as they must on inter-duchy intrigues and spies.
Archetypes in Highland: Prophets
There are few prophets among the Christians in either Highland and South Bend. Prophets that do arise almost always do so in the furtherance of some saint, or of Mary. Prophets are somewhat more common among the Celts. Where Christian prophets arise only once ever few generations, there are usually two or three Celtic prophets wandering the Celtic lands, as well as several Druids.
Archetypes in Highland: Monks
Psychic powers are nearly unknown in and around Highland. There are no Monk guilds or training orders in this part of the world. Any who find themselves with psychic ability must self-train. While psychic powers are unknown among the elves, those humans who have psychic power nearly always carry elven blood. That is, they are half-elves.
Those who wish to play a more traditional order-trained Monk will need to look to the Eastern continent and the Kari, whose pantheon is in the Divine Lore book.