Most of these props are nearly a hundred years old. You can make them look old by staining them with tea. It’s very easy. All you need is a large bowl, a bunch of tea or teabags, and some hot water from the tap.
Cut up the props so that only game world text (i.e., not the title or page number) shows. You might also cut around the sides to remove margins: there’s no reason for their paper to be 8.5 by 11, and they would not waste margin space as we do.
Put the tea or teabags into the bowl, and pour the hot water into it. The water should stain a dark brown (put in more tea if it doesn’t). Place the props into the water. Let them sit for a few hours (depending on how dark you want the paper to be), then bring them out and let them dry.
If they are meant to be scrolls, roll them up before they dry. As they dry, they will maintain the shape of the scroll. You don’t want them to be too wet when you roll them or they’ll stick together.
The unsent letter needs to be burnt as well. Do this in an open area with lots of water on hand! It is easiest to burn the correct locations if the paper is slightly wet. This will keep the fire from spreading beyond the needed area.
The part around the words “di Cristo” will be burnt, because that might be too much information. The part about the supposed treasure that the Astronomers have will still be there, because Eliazu will not at all mind if they head down south and never come back. The rest of it is up to you, although there should still be some sense of urgency left and a sense that someone is corrupting the Order. It takes work for Eliazu to burn something; there may be dark marks around the parts he is currently trying to burn.
The Bishop’s Letter
My friend I commend me unto you and would be right glad to hear of your welfare, etc. This is to advertise you that inasmuch as you now and then take some pains in writing unto me, I would be loathe you should think your labor utterly lost and forgotten for lack of writing again; therefore and because I reckon you to be some deal desirous of such news as hath been here with us of late in the matters of your old home, I intend to inform you a part thereof, according to the tenure and purport used in that behalf.
Saturday last began the celebration of Whit Sunday, and I am sure you remember the grand manner of the celebration among the people of our city. With all the crafts of Crosspoint thereunto well appointed, in several barges decked after the most gorgeous and sumptuous manner, with diverse pageants thereunto belonging, repaired and waited all together upon the Mayor. And so, well furnished, came all the procession into the square, where they tarried and waited for the Bishop’s coming to his seat. Once arrived and greeted by our Mayor, they like to brought the walls down with trumpets, shawms, and other diverse instruments all the ways playing and making great melody. From here the Bishop and Mayor together were carried by coach amidst all revested priests, guards, and councilmembers, and all the ladies and gentlewomen in robes and gowns of scarlet, to the great park which was filled to bursting with all manner of citizens.
Whereon the celebration was so intense we nearly did see the flames once more descend from heaven to the purple and painted faces of all the devout present on both stand and street.
Edgar, my greetings and prayers from Crosspoint. I hope this letter finds you well, your troubled spirit buoyed by the Lord. I am making inquiries into how to deal with your problems. You know my door is always open to discussion even though it be by letter, and I have enclosed some information which may aid you if your personal difficulties worsen. There is no truer family than that which you find yourself in. We have no need to look below the words we speak, to unscramble hidden meanings. Such is not our way. Beyond this is only God or the Devil.
In the spirit of peace, Rbt Ag
The Curse of the Unseen
Oh say unlove dances all. Or one way unveiled. The thought wind misses scorn and deals red ink, or drowns your grand, sour rank. Shy fool she rushed vanished fear where love and brewer drape mask.
Here rest the thin, roving flutes of your wild free rosin. Yes say revenant moon mice ate lies.
Notes from Discussing Lesser Families
This hand-written note is found in the book, Discussing Lesser Families in the secret upstairs room.
A circle will keep the host from becoming a host, and a mock court will provide a host for our guest. Should the court fail, the sigil to the lesser throne will reverse the trap.
√Attendants—Redstar, Acastus, Cleophus
√Keeper of the lesser throne—Alogos
√Fast Engraver—Corlile
Erin Forney’s Maps

The Exorcism of Demons
This text is written in the Ancient tongue.
The priest must invoke the authority of Jesus the oath-giver. The authority of Jesus must be invoked upon the devil. The devil must not be given any choice but to bind itself to the oath of Christ. Surround the spirit with the heavenly shape, the endless circle, clean, and allow escape only to the Pope. The larger circle must completely contain the devil.
Facing the pope in purple, the reader must inscribe the sigil of the creature within a smaller circle two hands side to side. Do not break the circle until reading God’s word or the devil may attack both physically and through the powers Satan delivers unto it. Only on reading the word of God at the rising of the sun should the sigil break the devil’s prison.
The reader must himself be free of sin. Prepare by reciting our belief in Jesus.
Take forth a pinch of salt and spread it into the air before you. Take in a cup of virgin wood the blood of Christ, calling on the trinity as you drink.
Hold the cross in your hand and consecrate in the Lord’s language with the Pater Noster.
“Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God calls you! Draw forth this sickness from our mortal world!”
“Jesus Christ is Lord! He died for our sins, but lives forever! Everlasting life is God’s great gift to His children. Our Father treasures His children. Signs, wonders, and miracles pale compared to the joy of knowing God. Life as God’s friend is fun! Under God’s protection, peace reigns. Your life and reward are safe with Yahweh. Seek righteousness, O my soul! My desire is to follow God’s ways. Christ Jesus is our example. Emmanuel is the Way to our Father in Heaven. Hallelujah! Jesus Christ lives forever!”
“Shout for joy! The Anointed One reigns! Riches and pleasures in this world pale compared to God’s glory! Satan’s bait is no match for Yahweh’s righteous rewards. In our Father’s presence there is great joy. In Almighty God’s protected place, all needs are met.”
“Show me Your ways, dear Lord, so that I may walk with You. Allow me to stay with You always. Teach me to be righteous and holy like You. Help me to love all people like You. Infuse me with Your glory and compassion. Rescue me from evil thoughts, words, and deeds. Set a watch over me, Lord, and protect me from evil. Enshroud me with Your integrity and conquering love. Let your Holy Spirit be my constant guide. I set my will to obey You always. Only You satisfy my soul!”
“God Almighty, I love You!”
“Rejoice, for God is good!”
“Be joyous in the sight of the Lord.”
“Day by day, I will praise the Lord.”
“Sing praises to our God forever!”
Be faithful, and hold fast to the Lord, for nothing shall overcome whom the Lord protects.
Mess Hall Map

More When Doors Mow Spun Gifts
Sam Noyuno
So the four maps to Charon were cured here of war. Ten fun games cause doom to man in his writing, creating the lament that is his fee due god. We issue in you this world of humor, you mute women known. Wipe rough sword for those the fit may rule.
Test semen under no fat woman gods you nurture, you who mint them the noxious musks. He who draws to worlds will knit one toy net. Hinges vow to better hinge, and bar shale. Harm all strange metal, and adhere to the thin hate of the freer sin there. Tithe the lemmings, see math dial air.
Excise no mucous where son rents muted rank fright and shallow hells helm man. Fie on carp, the white fish whelp doth call totem’s force to rent refuse and entice your true fate to mold hot word bile to Elflore tract. Please exhale naive man thing, malt ire and vomit wight.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 7
It has been nearly three weeks since we last saw an Illustrator. We feel as if some invisible string were fraying above us, soon to drop the sword. I have sent Roben and Tame to discover what the Illustrators are up to now.
Leren Praxos returned from the East with a few treasures today: a fourth copy of Dodgson’s Wonderland and some fragments of Ancient. Some he found in the ruins of Haven, but some were wide open in the bazaars of Crosspoint! We are slowly restoring the Library to its ancestral glory. I see Truman tomorrow to present him with these new gifts.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 8
Truman and I had a long discussion about the future of the Library and the Order. He will re-open the Dormitory, and will invite several scholars to visit as in days of old. The shadow of the illustrators hangs over us as a shroud, tho. If they do not fade further of their own accord, there will surely be a confrontation some day, and we must be prepared. Truman suggests alliances, but the world is still tired from the wars. I see little chance of outside alliances in the near future. The most likely source of an alliance would be the Stigmas di Cristo whom they fought several years ago, but the di Cristo order has ever held a secretive lust for power. Nor would I trust the Astronomers even if they were to re-appear in High Town.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 9
Leren returned also with several orders for copies of library books. This is good. We must stop living day to day. Arani in Black Stag, I trust, will also return with coins and manuscripts to duplicate—and add copies to our collection. Leren suggests starting a Tutoris “branch” from our root, in Crosspoint. Scholarship is rising again; the world awakens. He may be right. I’ve asked him to outline a plan, how many it would pull from the field and how much it would bring in.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 10
Librarians and Tutors are cautiously recommending luminaries to invite to Vincent. I am surprised at the optimism which remains. Truman takes his notes and asks us to research the field of possibilities. Normally Leren would wait until spring to return to Crosspoint, but he is eager now to assist Truman’s search. Snow will come soon, so he must leave now if he is to safely cross High Town Pass.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 11
I sent Arlen up to see Tame and Roben. No sign yet of anyone entering or leaving the castle. No raids, nor hunting parties, nor even leisurely walks. Can they have left? Are they planning something? I have instructed Arlen to organize a small party to search the surrounding area for any sign of military activity, raids on the farmers and others outside the wall, or anything out of the ordinary.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 12
Managed to scrape by one more year, it appears. Just enough in trade and coin to fill the winter cellar from the final harvest’s last pickings. We shall certainly have our fill of turnips before the river opens again.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 13
Awoke to a light snowfall. Beautiful on the mountainside and around the grove, but if it lasts it will make sneaking around the castle more difficult.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 14
Arlen returned today with nothing to report. It has been at least four weeks since anyone has seen an Illustrator. Few mind the absence, though many do remember the old Order.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 15
It has been 32 days since the last verified sighting of a Knight. Tame and Roben have camped at the river mouth for five days and have seen no one enter or leave the castle. Tomorrow we organize an expedition—a delegation, if anyone will greet us.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 16
It is a charnel house. I write this in a tent by the river mouth. None of us will stay in or near the castle this night or for a long time. The whole place smells of rotting flesh. The dead are everywhere. It looks like they killed themselves—a mass suicide of the entire Order and the servants. There are not enough crossroads in all the world for this tragedy. Many still clutch cups in their fists as if they died in great pain. Others died at their posts or in their beds. I have instructed Marlin to remove the bodies carefully for a proper burial. It must be done. The cemetery will grow this year.
I will not forget the dead guards in the foyer, lightly armored as for duty. Their eyes bulged, but this may have been the effects of decomposition.
The old bazaar is still in poor repair. They never restored it after the goblins. They have barely maintained the castle. The towers are learning farther than they ever did. There are cracks in the walls that were not there when the goblins left.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 17
Some of the silliest items are recorded in history: of all the little we know about their demise, we shall always know that their last meal was venison stew. The recipe was still on the countertop amidst the pots and pans. The door to the back is jammed into the walls. It is too beautiful to destroy, so I have instructed the others to wait before we force it open. There is enough elsewhere to keep us occupied.
The throne will be the hardest item to carry back to the Library. I have delegated to Tame the task of overseeing its removal and lowering it to the path.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 18
The news is now out. A few farmers and townsfolk arrived today and began carrying off ‘souvenirs’. I have given Leren the task of assisting Marlin burying the bodies—and to commandeer any ‘sightseers’ into assisting them. That might keep the place free of tourists for another day or so.
I have set Roben to cataloging the Order’s books and transporting them to the Library. He say’s we have acquired at least two very interesting formulae: something for the manipulation of shadow and line, and a sort of magic cart or work bench. The latter, he says, bears the marking of the Costumers of Crosspoint, but if so they have not shared it with their colleagues here in Biblyon.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 19
While counting in the shade, Roben found more bodies. I scolded him for following the path into the back rooms alone, but can understand the excitement of a new discovery. But, my god, there are so many bodies back there. It will be impossible to bring them out through the tiny passage. Yet it seems wrong to leave their bodies for looting. I have instructed Roben to keep the bodies a secret until we decide what to do.
The immensity of this act weighs on my mind. How could they do such a thing? Many must have left the Order before it came to this. I wonder if any left that night, and what they are thinking now?
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 22
It has been difficult to write about these last few days, and I struggle to put down into words what we all feel. We have emptied the castle of all learning, and leave the rest to the looters. How have the mighty fallen! I can see several flickering lights in the town below as I write this. We are its protectors now. We can step into the light. I will be glad to cleanse myself of the miasma in the bathhouses below when we arrive home tomorrow.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 23
Truman greeted us openly on our return and thanked us for the increase in his Library.
Roben is off now to the north to follow rumors of books. Marlin is set to the task of creating a new planning committee to take hold of our future in this new world.
The Notebook of Abacus Dome: Nov 24
After this it goes back to normal Tutoris activities.
Protection from sorcery scroll
Armi Patrocini Veneficium
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Eliazu’s sigil

Restore health scroll
Recuratus Morbi
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
The Unsent Letter
This letter is written in Ancient. You’ll need to age and partially burn this letter yourself.
We have heard the name Kristagna again. A visitor from the Long Lakes arrived on Saturday during services. Ensender is his name. He is the first of his kind I have seen, though many of the others claim to have seen them during the war. His presence makes Tragos nervous, which means that my Lord’s plans are nearing completion. As you know, I am not privy to the Order’s inner circle but I have no doubt that the Glory of God shall prevail in all my Lord’s plans.
The visitor has come looking for the Order of the Astronomers. There is rumor that they have an Elf-sword of which he would not tell us further. If it were not for the Order’s reduced number, this would almost certainly mean a new foray into the southern forest, for Tragos certainly covets an item of such power. It would do our Order well. Tho as reduced as the Illustrators are, there is no evidence that the Astronomers survived the goblin wars at all. If the di Cristo prisoner has his way, there will be more casualties in the castle, but I know that my Lord has this dark man under careful scrutiny.
I thank you for this post, but do wish that we could speak face to face again. Mark me: writing through post is like speaking through a closed door in a darkened room. I see the light on the other side through the cracks, but fear there is no person there. I thank you for your letter of assurances and the gifts you enclosed. I pray it will not be necessary to utilize such weapons in times of peace. My friend