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I am about facts, truth seeking and love. I will speak on any topic I choose because I live in a free country. I find the term “white privilege” as racist as the “N” word. You have not walked in my shoes either so do not make assumptions about me and my so-called privilege. You think America is racist? Then you have been hoodwinked by the white liberal establishment and race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Travel the world and go see that every nation has racism and some more than others but few make efforts such as we do to mitigate or eliminate it. I have lived and seen. The people I am informed by about the black experience in America are actually some of the smartest people in America. And it so happens they are black. I highly recommend studying Thomas Sowell, who is now retired and in his 80’s. A treasure. A truth seeker. Does real research and analysis. Candace Owens is one of the smartest and most courageous women in America and Larry Elder speaks the truth with a great sense of humor and facts not feelings. They are who I listen to when it comes to facts about the black experience in America.
Don’t you think there is a deeper problem than racism when 50% of murders in America are committed by 13% of the population? Do you think there might be a subtle genocide of black babies when most planned parenthoods are put in poor neighborhoods and that 30% of abortions are black babies. Black women only make up 7% of the U.S. population.
The greatest power you have is what you believe about yourself. What have Democrats, mainstream media and intellectuals in ivory towers been telling the black community to believe about themselves for forty years? Wake up and stop believing them, then things will change. — Jeanne Hedgepeth
Contents of The Biblyon Broadsheet™ as a whole Copyright © 1994-2025 Jerry Stratton. Individual copyrights remain held by their respective authors unless they specify otherwise. Site titles, such as Negative Space, Strange Bedfellows, Biblyon Broadsheet, Highland Games, and FireBlade Coffeehouse are trademarks of Jerry Stratton.
Resources file last modified December 6th, 2018.