Wandering Encounters
Starting at this level, if the characters are extremely quiet and listen to the walls or floor, they can on a perception roll hear a faint humming or whooshing sound from the water below.
Within this level, creatures can come in from the caverns if the doors in Common Prisoner Area Two (5) are left open. There is then a 10% chance every two hours of an encounter, starting when the doors are opened. This chance also occurs inside Common Prisoner Area Two (5) at any time.
01-68 | Giant crickets (d6) | 68% |
69-98 | Rats (d12) | 30% |
99-00 | Carrion worm | 2% |
Giant crickets: animal 2; move 6/12; legs d4; defense 5; chirping drowns out normal noise.
Rats: animal 1 pt; move 8; bite or claw 1pt; defense 0.
Carrion worm: fantastic 4; move 10; 8 tentacles (paralysis) or claws d8 or bite d6; defense 3; armored head +4 defense.
General Features
The stairs go down forty feet. The stairs from The Basement are eighty feet long. The walls are simple stone embedded in dirt.
Empty Cells (1)
Rusted iron bars block the entrance to a tiny, dirt-floor cell. (One or Two or Three or Four) skeletons lie against loose stone walls.
Each cell holds d4 skeletons. The bars are rusted iron, and the cells, dug out of the dirt, have walls of loose stone.
Torture Room (2)
Manacles hold bones to the stone walls. Skeletons lie in a heap beneath them. Gnawed leather whips hang from the left wall amidst knives and other devices. There is a huge stone vat in the center of the room. To the right, a skeleton remains loosely strapped to an old, rusted rack. Despite the obvious purpose of this room and the grisly remains, you feel a sense of purpose and a calming presence.
The standard torture devices are here: an old, rusted rack, gnawed leather whips, manacles in the wall stones, a vat in the center of the room, and a table with old knives and a cat of nine tails or two.
If any character enters the room with no light source, or a dim one such as a torch, it will seem as if someone is watching them from just beyond the range of their sight. Ghostly noises can be heard in the room, faintly, and will also be heard listening at the door. Drips of liquid; the clank of chain. Just ever so faintly.
Anyone who has chosen a Good moral code will be presented with The Marrow Cross from the spirits of the tortured souls here. It will appear on the vat while they aren’t looking.
Interrogation Room (3)
A simple square room carved out of rock, sparsely furnished with a small round table. The table stands on a single thick leg carved in the shape of a cat’s paw.
Other than the furniture, this room is empty. It was used by guardsmen to question prisoners. It, like the rest of the rooms, isn’t carved out of rock: it was rock-plated with large sheets of basalt to appear carved of stone.
Common Prisoner Area One (4)
The door was barred, but it is not barred now. The wooden bar lies on the ground next to the door, where one of Eliazu’s skeletons moved it.
You open the door, scraping it against the floor. Inside an irregularly-shaped room, skeletons lie atop each other, bones interspersed among rags.
This cavern was used to keep common prisoners.
Common Prisoner Area Two (5)
This door was barred, but is not barred now. The wooden bar lies on the ground next to the door, where one of Eliazu’s skeletons moved it.
The door swings open. Inside this irregularly-shaped room, you catch the faint whiff of moist, faintly rotten air that disappears as quickly as it came. A dark crack in the wall gazes at you from the far right.
This cavern is similar to the other prisoner area. It is empty, however. A shaft leads down to The Secret Places. The shaft opened during the destruction caused by the botched summoning of the demon. Most of the prisoners died; this room was empty at the time of the summoning. One prisoner barely survived, and tried to escape down the shaft, but was caught. See No Escape (18) in The Secret Places.