The door to this room is wooden, and slightly swollen from moisture. It sticks when shut. Normally the door will not be closed, but if the Xolome hear someone coming they may choose to shut it until the danger passes. Anyone bashing their way in is likely to be caught slightly off guard when they come in.
When the door is opened without disabling the trap, an arrow shoots out of the far wall and into whoever is in the doorway. Anyone entering must make an Evasion roll or lose d6 survival. The Evasion roll is at a penalty of 2 if the victim forced their way in.
The xolome are aware of this trap and will be off to each side if they expect someone to set it off.
There are tiny misshapen human-like creatures up against the left and right walls, all brandishing spears at you.
The xolome are likely to attack anyone who forces their way in here, but could be convinced to a peace.
Xolome (Faerie: 1-1; Survival: 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1; Move: 8; Attacks: spear; Damage: 1d6; Defense: 4; Moral Code: Ordered Evil)
One of the xolome wears an amulet of tec-li-tec.
There are many foodstuffs here in sacks, mostly root plants the deeps, resembling over-grown eye-filled potatoes. They are edible, however unappetizing they appear.
Of all the rooms, this is the one most likely to conjure an image of better days.
There is what looks like a wardrobe on the far wall, a broken door partially slide aside, with racks of clothing and food hanging inside.
In the corner of the wardrobe is a small box with 42 silver Roman coins.