The wooden door to this room is normally open, however, if the xolome hear someone coming they are likely to close it and lock it.
Several of the misshapen creatures line the walls, their spears towering above their strange heads but lowering as they rush towards you.
Xolome (Faerie: 1-1; Survival: 3, 6, 5, 5, 1, 2, 4; Move: 8; Attacks: spear; Damage: 1d6; Defense: 4; Moral Code: Ordered Evil)
One of the xolome wears an amulet of tec-li-tec and also a key. The key unlocks Prince Seneal’s chains.
Iron bars poke out of a mound of rubble that might once have been part of an alcove or small room. A broken door lies atop the rubble, and the rubble partially obscures a grey relief carved into the far right wall.
A close examination of the relief shows that it is an image of the world as seen by the xolome, with the xolome in complex intertwining tunnels.
These xolome have benefited well from the chaos in Rome. This is where they keep their treasure. A huge bucket of some blue-green slime hides 52 gold Roman coins, and 480 silver Roman coins. The slime is not alive, and it does not have a corrosive effect, but it is very difficult to remove from human skin.