Before he died, the emperor sent his youngest son to the Elven hills to request assistance according to the old treaties. But Prince Seneal was betrayed by Thamiian, his Elven guide. Thamiian took Seneal into captivity in a xolome tunnel system. The xolome or Thamiian occasionally steal human food to feed the prince.
A crawling mist runs throughout these tunnels. It reduces visibility to about half or three quarters what it would otherwise be.
Each square is five feet. Tunnel height is generally five to seven feet. Room height is generally seven to eight feet. The hole opens in the upper left of the map, near room 1.
You walk down the steep and winding cave into a thin, cool mist. You drop into a fifteen-foot long, five-foot-wide carved area, with openings ahead of you on the north and south ends of the long eastern wall.
A great serpentine black cat bares gleaming teeth directly ahead of you. This carved and painted image on the wall almost leaps out at you from the darkness.
The small hall is cramped and cold, and reeks of age.
Anyone with knowledge of Xolome culture will recognize the style as similar to the Xolome of the west.
- Xel-I-Tec: Door traps
- When doors have traps on them, they are generally triggered when the door is more than half-way opened.
- 1. The Cat-Guard
- The xolome guards will generally be aware of any parties coming down the hole, and will position themselves slightly to the north and slightly to the south so as to get a good shot at invaders. Unless someone makes a really good lie, the two xolome will assume that any humans need to be shot.
- 2. The Temple of Tec-li-Tec
- Tec-li-tec is the xolome cat-god. It resembles a long, dark, snake-like thing that slinks through the deep corridors of the earth.
- 3. Thamiian’s Office
- Thamiian’s door is always kept locked. It is a wooden door.
- 4. Prince Seneal’s Cell
- The door is disguised as part of the stone wall. It is triggered through the appropriate movement of some triggers (shaped as rocks) on the left of the door. About half of the xolome know the trigger movements, as does Thamiian.
- 5. Arts & Crafts
- A puddle of scummy water reaches slightly out from under this iron-bound door.
- 6. Orc and wolf
- Barafail, an orc emissary, has come to the xolome to see if they are easily defeated or if they would be worth aligning with. He now is considering either taking or making an offer for Prince Seneal.
- Xel-I-Tec: 7. Storage
- The wooden door on this room is neither locked nor stuck. Inside are discarded leather armor, spears, bows, and arrows that need repair, as well as other items such as carts and clothing.
- 8. Xolome Council
- The door to this room is wooden, and slightly swollen from moisture. It sticks when shut. Normally the door will not be closed, but if the Xolome hear someone coming they may choose to shut it until the danger passes. Anyone bashing their way in is likely to be caught slightly off guard when they come in.
- 9. Empty room
- The door to this room is different from the others. It is a thin iron sheet that slides freely from left to right. There’s nothing here, however.
- 10. Empty room
- A wooden door, stuck because of moisture, bars entry into this room. It’s an empty room, however.
- 11. The caldron
- The iron-bound door to this room is trapped to trigger a spear to anyone opening it. Anyone in the doorway when the spear is triggered must make an Evasion roll or lose 1d6 survival points.
- 12. Xolome treasure
- The wooden door to this room is normally open, however, if the xolome hear someone coming they are likely to close it and lock it.