The Vale of the Azure Sun: Special Items
- The Long Caverns
- Vale of the Azure Sun
- Other Worlds
- Circegrad’s Acorn
- If planted in natural ground, the acorn will slowly grow into a hollow tree and become a temporary entrance into the Valley. It must be planted in dirt, in natural ground, not in a pot or inside a building. In d20 hours, the tree will become the hollow tree that allows entrance into the valley. An acorn can only be used once.
- Special Items: Alcalig
- Alcalig is a small amphora, enough to hold a good drink of water. The name is from the Barcelasian for “Above Time”. It is a magic jar from Barcelas that enchants water to grant the drinker a bonus of level to any archetypal skill, including attack for warriors, up to a total of +18. The effect may be spread out over up to ten minutes. The jar may be used once per day.
- The Amulet of the World Snow
- From the Haikiutl in the world of Highland, the Amulet allows the wearer to call down a light snowfall once between every new moon. The snow will fall for 2d6 hours in a range of 1d6 miles, raising half that many inches of light, fluffy snow. The snow will not begin to melt until that many hours later.
- Special Items: Belereden
- The “sword of ice and snow” is a Barcelasian weapon. It is a +2 long sword, shaded lightly blue. On a successful called attack, it can freeze opponents: the target must make an Evasion roll or take an extra d8 points damage from freezing and be at a penalty of one to attack, defense, and movement for ten minutes, cumulative with other freezings.
- Special Items: Menverae
- This sword, the Dragon’s Debt of the Eastern Dwarves, was made by the Dwarves for a human ally thousands of years ago. It is a +2 sword normally, but is +4 against dragons. It has unbreakable object on it at 12th level.
- Monocle of Petar
- From the world of Fading Highland, the Monocle allows the wearer to see whole once per day, and to see invisible once per day. Each ability is at 8th level.
- Ring of the Unveiled World
- This ring blinds the wearer but grants them much greater senses of touch, taste, smell, and hearing. Penalties due to an inability to see are dropped by up to two due to the other enhanced senses. The character can hear for three times the normal distance, and gains a bonus of six to any perception roll that doesn’t rely on vision.
- Ring of Reflection
- This ring is a simple, polished ring with a clear and shining varnish. It contains six charges of Spell Reflection at 8th level.
- The Roach Sword
- This sword was made by one of the Night Priests, from the benediction of insects. When in use, bronze cockroaches appear to crawl over the bearer’s hands and down the blade. The sword grants a bonus of 2 to attack and damage.
- Scroll of Blindness
- This scroll has a ward on it that, if viewed, targets the viewer for blindness. The viewer must make a Willpower roll (at a penalty of 3) or be blind for 2d6 weeks.