A wet warmth billows out of the darkness. Within, your light reflects off of myriad points as if from a broken mirror, or from dust in sunlit shafts.
As your vision adjusts, you see huge bubbles, and tiny bubbles, rising from a frothing pool. Within each shiny sphere, you catch a glimpse of unnatural movement, until the inevitable burst as each showers warm rain upon you.
Bereden of Venethtlas has long forgotten his race and his name. He guards the thin fume of reality that bubbles up from the hot spring in this area of the caverns. Within each shimmering bubble is a vision of another world and place. The mad Elf can control the movement of the bubbles; if a bubble engulfs a person or a group, they will be sent to the place viewed in the bubble.
Bereden: (Prophet: 3; Moral Code: Ordered; Survival: 17; Move: 10; Attacks: hand; Damage: d3; Defense: +1; Special attacks: spirit manifestations, reality bubbles)
Bereden will not attack physically. He may call on spirit manifestations, but he is likely to send attackers on a random journey through reality. Anyone he targets for a bubble must make an Evasion roll or be sent to the world depicted. He can target one bubble per round.
He can call on spirits of Order, Prophecy, and Prophet. He will normally have a third-level spirit of Order, a third-level spirit of Prophecy, and a second level spirit of Prophecy.