The Vale of the Azure Sun is a pocket domain: a world completely separate and mostly cut off from the “real” world. There are different kinds of pocket domains, depending mostly on their entrances and exits. The entrances and exits to the Valley are mostly stationary: they stay where they are. Some of the entrances (such as the oak) are under the control of the Blue Sun. Others, such as most of those in the cavern system, are not. These, he tries to fill with dangerous creatures.
Within a pocket domain, the “outside world” is inaccessible, except through the special entrances and exits. Magic (at least magic that cannot traverse dimensions) cannot transport anything from the outside in, nor from the inside out. “Teleport”, for example, will not allow the sorceror to escape a pocket domain. As far as the magic is concerned, there is no outside world.
Pocket domains can have different rules than the real world. Most things in the Valley work the same as on the outside. However, the Valley is a pocket domain with its own rules. The most obvious difference is that falling results in less damage. It just doesn’t have the same force as in the world above. Divide the distance fallen or jumped by three for the effective damage-causing distance. This does not mean that characters can jump higher or farther, nor that they fall more slowly. Only that they can fall farther without death or serious injury.
Time within the Valley is variable compared to the outside, but generally will not vary by more than 50% to 200%. Four days in the valley could be as little as two days in Highland or as much as eight days. It is up to the Adventure Guide and may be used to interesting effect.
While in the Valley (and the surrounding caves) characters will not become hungry. They may eat if they wish, but they do not have to.