Gods & Monsters


Gods & Monsters Fantasy Role-Playing

Beyond here lie dragons

Use the “browse” button to search through the list of spells: type some words to find in the title, specify your character’s level, and choose the schools to search through. Once you’re ready to rock, choose “list” to make a list of spells for each school per level, or “spells” for a list of spells and their descriptions by level.

Don’t forget to bookmark the search so that you can come back to it later!


Aggressive overload

Range:level yards
Formula:gestures, words
Duration:level minutes
Casting time:3
Area of effect:1 creature

Aggressive overload redirects an attacker’s aggression back into their own mind, effectively paralyzing them, causing them to collapse. The attacker must be attacking the caster; the attacker’s reaction roll is penalized by the casting level, up to a maximum penalty of the attacker’s intelligence.