A Gods & Monsters Lorebook
Divine Lore
A Gods & Monsters Lorebook
by Jerry Stratton
Copyright © 2016
“Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall wear. Life is more than meat, and the body more than raiment.”—Luke 12:22-23
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3, published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.
February 13, 2016

- Divine Lore: Spirits
- Causing spirits to manifest requires a special rite. Rites consist of words, gestures, and a focus. When a rite requires words, they must be pronounced clearly and firmly and at least at a conversational volume. They may not be whispered, for example. When a rite requires gestures, the gestures require freedom of movement of arms, hands, and fingers. A focus is some physical thing that the prophet must have in order to cause the spirit to…
- Developing your prophet
- Developing your prophet in Divine Lore
- Gods & Pantheons
- There are many possible interpretations of any religion’s deities. Many religions also have multiple sects, each according a different level of power to different parts of the pantheon.
- Open Source License
- Open Source License in Divine Lore
- Spirit manifestations
- Search spirit manifestations, and make a list of all of the manifestations your prophet can use.
- Divine Lore (full HTML) (529.8 KB)
- HTML version of Divine Lore
- Divine Lore (full PDF) (8.8 MB)
- PDF version of Divine Lore
- Divine Lore (full RTF) (16.0 MB)
- RTF version of Divine Lore
- ZIP Resources for Divine Lore (25.2 MB)
- Resources for Divine Lore, including samples and document graphics.