Kolchak: The Big Creep (a Daredevils adventure)

This weekend is the 2023 North Texas RPG Convention. For last year’s con, I ran the second of my Kolchak adventures. I’d initially planned on running The Powers of Dr. Remoux from Daredevils Adventures 1: Deadly Coins. Daredevils Adventures 1 is the first adventure supplement to Fantasy Game Unlimited’s Daredevils.
I started making so many changes, however, that I ended up writing up my own adventure using it as inspiration. The initial changes were simple enough. I set it at a college that had appeared in the series, Illinois State Technical College. And, of course, I updated it for 1976. College life changed a lot over those fifty years.
But the real changes began when I happened to run across an article on the Pavlita Generator in an old UFO magazine. Not only was it approximately the right time period for my adventure, but it was exactly the right way to update the adventure’s weird science from the twenties to the seventies.
U.S. intelligence officials are studying the development in Czechoslovakia of “psychotronic generators,” small devices “capable of drawing biological energy from humans and storing it for future use.”
This is exactly what Jones’s Dr. Remoux was doing, but for the UFO age and the cold war rather than the dawn of modern physics. I was further able to expand on the Cold War aspect using some real Defense documents:
- Paranormal Phenomona— Briefing on a Net Assessment Study, P.T. Van Dyke and M.L. Juncosa, WN-8019-ARPA, January 1973, Rand, Santa Monica, CA 90406.
- Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research, Mrs. Louis F. Maire III and Major J.D. LaMothe, MSC, DST-1810S-397–75, September 1975, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC 20301.
Official parapsychology research in the United States and the Soviet Union was completely whacked, yet another example of how the seventies were not just another country but another planet.1
I also went back to the book that inspired Stefan Jones’s title: The Island of Dr. Moreau. Moreau specialized in the vivisection of animals to create new men. I played up the “new men” part of what was the “G-Ray Vitality Unculator” and so my adventure explores how a mad scientist at a relatively modern college might take advantage of the ability to create new, improved, humans.
Since the time period of the article wasn’t exactly right, I made up a new magazine combining some of the Soviet research I’d been reading about, and cobbled up a slightly altered version of the article that fit the adventure better. Thus was born UFO World and Monica Garcia Alexander. Monica is a pseudonym of the real writer, who the characters can contact—Kolchak is probably aware of him, and if not, has contacts in that circle.
My article is titled The Paulita Generator: Quantum Soldiers of the Future (PDF File, 6.8 MB). The real article was titled “The Paulita Generator: Incredible Weapon of the Future”. If you want to look it up, it’s in UFO Update Summer 1980. I suspect that the actual article’s Edith K. Roosevelt is just as pseudonymous as my fake article’s Monica Alexander, for obvious reasons. And I liked the typo in the subtitle of the original so much that I kept it for my fake version. The magazine’s cover had the same typo, referring to the device as a “Paulita Generator”. The device was correctly identified as a Pavlita Generator throughout the article itself.
The filler text that I used on the second page of the article comes verbatim from Official UFO, October 1976. I chose it mostly because it falls directly into the time period of the adventure, which begins on October 28, 1976, in the midst of the fall semester at the Illinois State Technical Institute.
I won’t go into any more detail here—it’s all in the book (PDF File, 3.7 MB). Besides the rewritten Pavlita Generator article (PDF File, 6.8 MB), you can also download the maps of Illinois State Technical College (Zip file, 427.5 KB); for each area there is a map for the players and another for the GM. If you need to modify them, I’ve also included the Inkscape SVG source files in the archive.
See my post on The Montique Fantom for other era-specific background.
I’m very happy with the Daredevils ruleset for Kolchak, and I’m looking forward to running Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye at this year’s NTRPGC.
In response to Daredevils Detailed Action Time and Action Options Cube: The Fantasy Games Unlimited game Daredevils, from 1982, has a very interesting combat turn system. Plus, an Action-Option cube you can assemble yourself!
The past is another country, but the Seventies is another planet. — Mark Steyn (Passing Parade•)
Adventure documents
- Kolchak: The Big Creep (PDF File, 3.7 MB)
- It’s 1976, the fall semester at Illinois State Technical College. Carl Kolchak and his loose band of night stalkers investigate strange happenings as the school’s sports team has a very good year.
- Maps for Kolchak: The Big Creep (Zip file, 427.5 KB)
- Maps and their source files for the Daredevils adventure Kolchak: The Big Creep.
- Pavlita Generator: Quantum Soldier of the Future (PDF File, 6.8 MB)
- The Pavlita Generator article, rewritten for The Big Creep.
North Texas RPG Con
- A Kolchak Christmas at North Texas 2023
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2023, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye: Jerry Stratton at North Texas RPG Con
- “Carl Kolchak and guest stars investigate Chicago’s 1976 Christmas murders using the Daredevils RPG from Fantasy Games Unlimited.”
- North Texas RPG Con
- “The NTRPG Con focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (OD&D, 1E, 2E, or Basic/Expert) as well as any pre-1999 type of RPG produced by the classic gaming companies of the 70s and 80s (TSR, Chaosium, FGU, FASA, GDW, etc). We also support retro-clone or simulacrum type gaming that copies the old style of RPGs (Swords & Wizardry, Castles & Crusades, and others).”
Daredevils RPG
- Daredevil Adventures 1 featuring Deadly Coins at Fantasy Games Unlimited (paperback)
- Three adventures for Daredevils: The Powers of Dr. Remoux by Stefan Jones, Bring It Back Alive! by Bob Charrette, and Deadly Coins by J. Andrew Keith.
- Daredevils: Role Playing Action and Adventure in the Two-Fisted Thirties at Fantasy Games Unlimited
- “Play the role of an action-adventure hero. Smash spies, fight crime, defeat criminal masterminds and more. Enter the world of hard-boiled detectives, cloaked vigilantes and globe-spanning adventure. Become a daredevil.”
- Kolchak: The Montique Fantom (A Daredevils adventure)
- A reskin of the Daredevils adventure The Body Vanishes for The Night Stalker in 1976.
- Paranormal Phenomena—Briefing on a Net Assessment Study: P.T. Van Dyke and M.L. Juncosa at Washington Headquarters Services (PDF)
- “This briefing on paranormal phenomena is based on a net assessment study of the field that took into account Soviet and U.S. literature, institutions, personnel, and technology, and it includes a comparative analysis of both U.S. and USSR efforts. For the briefing, the results were condensed and principal emphasis was placed on the USSR portion of the effort.”
- The Pavlita Generator: Incredible Weapon of the Future (PDF File, 567.0 KB)
- “Although at present the device is in Eastern Europe, American military researchers maintain in an amplified state it could exert an effect that would be impossible to defend against.” (From UFO Update 11, Summer 1980, by “Edith K. Roosevelt”.)
- Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research: Louis F. Maire III and Major J.D. LaMothe, MSC at Defense Intelligence Agency (PDF)
- “Parapsychology is a field involving research on the informational and energetic possibilities of the psychic and biophysical activities of living organizes… The Soviets prefer the term biocommunications…Other Soviet terms [are] psychophysiology, psychotronics, psychoenergetics, and biophysical effects.”
- UFO Update 7 (Summer 1980) at Internet Archive (ebook)
- “Special Report: A Challenge To NASA; An Answer To The Bermuda Triangle: Terror At The Bottom Of The Sea;Biggest Mystery In The History of Aviation: UFOs Are Kidnapping Our Aircraft; Late Report From The News Wires: Flying Sauces Cause Panic Aboard Spanish Airliner; The Paulita Generator: Incredible Space Weapon; Are Extraterrestrials Sending These: Weird Signals From Another World.”
More adventures
- The Adventure Guide’s Handbook
- Weave fantasy stories around characters that you and your friends create. As a Gods & Monsters Adventure Guide you will present a fantastic world to your players’ characters: all of its great cities, lost ruins, deep forests, and horrendous creatures.
- Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye (a Daredevils adventure)
- Kolchak and crew investigates strange murders during the 1976 Christmas season. Inspired by “real” Soviet research as reported in UFO magazines of the era.
- Skin a module 3: Thracia to The Lost City
- The Judges Guild module Caverns of Thracia is one of the classics of the old-school. It’s also eminently reskinnable by changing the names of gods and expanding on some of the magic items hidden inside.
- Skin a Module 2: The Fell Pass becomes Mansio Solis
- Karl Merris’s The Fell Pass, from Dragon 32, became the border between dusty desert death and the lush green jungle of the new and magical world of the City.
- Three ways to skin a module 1: from Chagmat to Dowanthal Peak
- I’ve always been a fan of explicitly reskinning adventures; here is how I skinned Larry DiTillio’s Chagmat.
- 14 more pages with the topic adventures, and other related pages
More Daredevils RPG
- Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye (a Daredevils adventure)
- Kolchak and crew investigates strange murders during the 1976 Christmas season. Inspired by “real” Soviet research as reported in UFO magazines of the era.
- Kolchak’s Cold January at North Texas 2024
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2024, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited. We finally move into 1977 for the great Chicago freeze!
- A Kolchak Christmas at North Texas 2023
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2023, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Kolchak: The Montique Fantom (A Daredevils adventure)
- A reskin of the Daredevils adventure The Body Vanishes for The Night Stalker in 1976.
- Kolchak is back, baby! At North Texas 2022
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2022, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Three more pages with the topic Daredevils RPG, and other related pages
More Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- Kolchak’s Big Sister at North Texas 2025
- Kolchak and Friends will be back at the North Texas RPG Con in 2025 for an Ides of March that will have you asking dux femina facti? in one of the weirdest Kolchak adventures ever.
- A revised timeline for Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- When did the Night Stalker and Night Strangler movies take place? When did the television series episodes take place? The internal evidence is a mess, but it is possible to construct a relatively believable timeline from the evidence, usable for an RPG campaign.
- Kolchak: The Wrong Goodbye (a Daredevils adventure)
- Kolchak and crew investigates strange murders during the 1976 Christmas season. Inspired by “real” Soviet research as reported in UFO magazines of the era.
- Kolchak’s Cold January at North Texas 2024
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2024, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited. We finally move into 1977 for the great Chicago freeze!
- A Kolchak Christmas at North Texas 2023
- I’ll be running another Kolchak: The Night Stalker game at North Texas in 2023, again using the Daredevils rules from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
- Two more pages with the topic Kolchak: The Night Stalker, and other related pages